Governance model
HAKI Safety is a publicly traded Swedish limited liability company listed on Nasdaq Stockholm’s Small Cap List. Until December 2023 the company was called Midway Holding.
HAKI Safety is governed primarily by the Swedish Companies Act, but also the rules of Nasdaq Stockholm, the Swedish Corporate Governance Code, the Articles of Association, and other relevant legislation.
The responsibility for management and control of the HAKI Safety Group is distributed between the shareholders, the Board of Directors, its elected committees and the President.
Shareholders exercise their power at the Annual General Meeting, which is HAKI Safety’s highest decision-making body. The Meeting adopts the Articles of Association, and, at the Annual General Meeting, the shareholders appoint Board members, the Chairman of the Board, and the auditor, and make decisions regarding their fees.
The Nomination Committee represents the company’s shareholders, nominates Board members, the Chairman of the Board, and the auditor, and proposes remuneration to be paid to these.
The auditor is appointed by the Annual General Meeting. The auditor examines the annual report and accounts, the consolidated financial statements, the administration of the Board of Directors and President, and the annual report and accounts of subsidiaries, and submits an audit report.
The Board of Directors is responsible for the organisation and management of HAKI Safety’s affairs. The Board has established two committees: the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee. The Audit Committee consists of Anna Söderblom, who is the chairman of the committee, and Lennart Pihl. The Remuneration Committee consists of Lennart Pihl, who is the chairman of the committee, and Anders Bergstrand.
The President and CEO manages the day-to-day administration of HAKI Safety. The President is assisted by Group Management. Corporate staff functions consist of Finance, including HR and IT, and Communications, including sustainability.
The operational organisation consists of a commercial operation supported by an organisation with functions linked to the supply chain. In addition to sales, commercial activities also include innovation, technical support, customer support, and marketing. Within the supply chain, there are functions such as manufacturing, logistics, purchasing, and development as well as quality, health, safety & environment (QHSE).